Run across - "наткнуться"
I hadn't seen Gloria for ages when I ran across her in the supermarket.
Run after - "преследовать"
I ran after the bus, but it didn’t stop for me.
Run away - "убегать"
Everyone ran away from the explosion.
Run against - "противостоять, мешать"
Luck is really running against you tonight!
Run by - "изложить, посвятить"
Can I run a few ideas by you?
Run down - "спуститься"
Can you run down and sign a couple of papers?
Run into - "наткнуться"
I ran into my English teacher at the shopping mall.
Run in - "сдать полиции"
He didn’t take time and ran him in.
Run on - "продолжаться"
I hope this meeting doesn’t run on too long.
Run to - "обращаться за помощью"
Aren’t you a little old to run home to your mother?
Run up - "быстро сделать, сварганить"
I can run up a pair of curtains in a day.
Run off - "сбежать"
Their dad ran off when they were little.
Run out (of) - "использовать всё"
Many hospitals are running out of money.
